Advancing Maternal Health Equity: How Can Research, Policy, and Advocacy Inform Solutions?
Urban Institute, with P4A, hosted a discussion about ways to achieve maternal and infant health equity on Feb 27 at 1pm.

Featured Research
Children and FamiliesThe Effects of State Earned Income Tax Credits on Mental Health and Health Behaviors: A Quasi-experimental Study
July 1, 2020
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Children and FamiliesExpanded Job Protection Improves Racial and Socioeconomic Equity of Parental Leave Access
July 1, 2020
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Financing, Implementation & Policy ModelsState Legislative Strategies to Pass, Enhance, and Obscure Preemption of Local Public Health Policy-Making
June 10, 2020
Research Findings
- Children and Families
- Community Justice and Public Safety
- COVID-19
- Education
- Employment and Workplace
- Environment and Climate
- Financing, Implementation & Policy Models
- Health Care Systems and Services
- Housing
- Immigration
- Income and Wealth
- Infrastructure and Transportation
- Maternal and Reproductive Health
- Mental and Behavioral Health
- Nutrition and Physical Activity
- Preemption
- Public Health
- Research into Action
- Social and Community Context