Afet Dundar
Institute for Women's Policy Research
Afet Dundar, Ph.D. is a Senior Research Director at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, where she leads research on issues of postsecondary education and student-parent success, two-generation economic security strategies, workforce development and work-family support. Dr. Dundar is an expert in equitable, unbiased, and inclusive approaches to data collection and analytics and has contributed to numerous publications on student access and success outcomes.
Turning research into actionToward Equity: After a Decade of Progress, Gaps in Access to Paid Sick Leave Remain
The importance of paid sick leave has been underscored like never before in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the world grappled with the challenges of a global health crisis, the simple act of staying home when feeling unwell became a critical strategy in curbing the spread of the virus.
May 6, 2024
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Children and FamiliesImpact of Paid Leave Policies on Health and Economic Wellbeing
This study will explore the relationship between the availability and use of paid sick leave on job retention, household finances, and health while understanding the family health impacts of policies that improve workers’ ability to provide parental and family care.
September 1, 2022
|Has Evidence