Elizabeth Racine
UNC Charlotte
Elizabeth Racine, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences at UNC Charlotte. She is interested in understanding the incentives and barriers to healthy eating and physical activity among different populations in the Charlotte region, the US, and in other countries. Her research is focused on the evaluation of nutrition and physical activity policies and programs.
Locally, she has evaluated a number of programs in collaboration with the school system, hospital system, childcare system and child health and well-being focused foundations.
Nationally, she has evaluated the impact of food assistance programs on diet quality and food security. She has evaluated elements of the WIC program, the Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program and, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Internationally, she partners with colleagues in India to study the impact of economic development on food security, infant feeding practices, and obesity.
Children and FamiliesHow WIC Authorization Influences Sales of Healthy Food and Beverages in Discount Variety Stores
In response to research on food deserts across the country, scholars and public health practitioners are encouraging limited service food stores, like discount stores, to expand their healthy food selections and accept SNAP and WIC benefits. By becoming WIC-authorized, these stores would be required to carry a certain number of healthy food items, which can improve food access in low-income communities that may lack a full-line grocery store.
October 1, 2017