Greta Swanson
Environmental Law Institute
Greta Swanson is a Visiting Attorney at ELI. She has co-authored reports and articles involving federal agency consultation with Alaska Native tribes regarding subsistence resources in the Arctic; co-management of living marine resources; Indigenous knowledge; Indigenous and human rights and the environmental rule of law; international fisheries law; small-scale fisheries; and protection of endangered species. Ms. Swanson received her juris doctor from New York University School of Law.
Environment and ClimateAnalysis of Tribal Consultation Under California SB 18 and AB 52
This report by the Environmental Law Institute evaluates the implementation of California’s SB 18 and AB 52, which require consultation with Native American Tribes for local planning and environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act.
September 1, 2024
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Turning research into actionCalifornia Laws to Protect Tribal Cultural Resources: Are They Working?
California has enacted laws specifically intended to protect Tribal cultural resources and Tribal traditional cultural sites. But are these laws working?
December 15, 2023
|P4A Spark
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Environment and ClimateAdvancing Tribal Health and Wellness through Meaningful Government-to-Government Consultation in State and Local Environmental Decision-making
This study will examine the extent to which health and wellness outcomes for tribal citizens are tied to state policies requiring state and local agencies to engage in government-to-government consultation with tribes when carrying out environmental decision-making activities impacting tribal cultural resources.
September 1, 2021
|Has Evidence