Haydar Kurban

Howard University

Haydar Kurban, PhD, is a Professor of economics in the Department of Economics and Director at Howard University Center on Race and Wealth. Dr. Kurban has worked on research projects in the areas of racial and wealth equity, payday loans, financial security, retirement, family stability, gentrification, vulnerable populations and climate change, education property taxes, valuation of weather forecast products, and urban renewal programs. His research projects have received funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the departments of Health and Human Services and Housing and Urban Development, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Social Security Administration and, the Department of Homeland Security through awards and subcontracts. Dr. Kurban has published articles in Regional Science Urban Economics, National Tax Journal, Review of Black Political Economy, Cityscape, Economic Development Quarterly, Journal of Housing Economics, Economics of Education Review, Review of Public Finance, and other academic journals. His research papers have also been published as book chapters, reports, and discussion papers. 

  • Opportunity Zones (OZs) are a government strategy introduced in 2017 to attract increased investment in low-investment census tracts. But are low- to middle-income neighborhoods being elevated and integrated, or are OZs contributing to the darker side of gentrification: rising taxes and neighborhood displacement? Are Opportunity Zones achieving their purpose? New research suggests that they are not.

    February 14, 2024


    P4A Spark

  • Opportunity Zones (OZ) were implemented by the federal government and some state and local governments in 2017 to attract new investments to distressed communities in urban and rural areas in the United States. The program offers tax incentives to private businesses for investing in OZ designated neighborhoods.

    April 1, 2022



  • To address increasing housing affordability issues in the District of Columbia, the local government has implemented several housing programs including the Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP), the Employer Assisted Housing Program (EAHP), and the Inclusionary Zoning/Affordable Dwelling Units (IZ/ADU) program. These programs provide support ranging from rent regulations, to down payment and closing cost subsidies for potential homeowners, to inclusionary zoning requirements.

    December 1, 2020


    Has Evidence
