Anne Ray

Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, University of Florida

Anne Ray is the manager of the Florida Housing Data Clearinghouse, a free, online source of data on affordable housing needs and supply produced by the Shimberg Center for Housing Studies at the University of Florida. Since joining the Shimberg Center in 2001, she also has performed research on public housing, preservation of affordable rental housing, energy efficiency in the affordable housing stock, the housing needs of persons with disabilities, farmworker housing, homelessness among Florida children and youth, and the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit. Ms. Ray is responsible for producing the Center’s triennial Statewide Rental Market Study and has co-authored numerous reports on statewide and local housing needs. Ms. Ray received a bachelor of arts in History from the University of Michigan and a master’s degree in Urban Planning and Policy from the University of Illinois at Chicago. 

  • Housing credit inflows are a substantial contributor to economic opportunity and vitality in a community. Due to historic inequities in housing policy and lending practices, mortgage capital can often be scarce in neighborhoods whose residents predominantly belong to racial and ethnic minority groups.

    August 31, 2023



  • This study will seek to analyze Florida's State Housing Initiative Partnership Program's (SHIP) impact on equity and capital access before and after disasters. The research team will investigate whether SHIP supports neighborhoods underfunded in private mortgage markets, if, following a disaster, the SHIP program enables equitable distribution of housing resources underserved by traditional post disaster programs, and finally, what administrative factors are associated with equitable outcomes. 

    December 1, 2020


    Has Evidence
