Stephanie Chernitskiy
Evidence for Action
Read Stephanie's bio at Evidence for Action, one of RWJF's signature research programs.
Turning research into actionTurning research into action: Promoting your work in a policy environment
By law, private foundations like the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) are prohibited from lobbying or financially supporting any lobbying efforts of its staff, grantees, or other partners. But as researchers working on high-profile policy issues, it is not always clear if our activities could be considered lobbying.
June 19, 2017
|P4A Spark
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Turning research into actionTurning research into action: A dialogue with decision-makers (PART ONE)
A lack of a shared language is one barrier to turning research into action, but it’s not the only one. A few weeks ago, we sat down with a group of local decision-makers to find out how we, as researchers, can more effectively ensure that our research contributes to real-world improvements in population health, well-being, and equity.
May 16, 2017
|P4A Spark
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Turning research into actionTurning research into action: A dialogue with decision-makers (PART TWO)
A few weeks ago, we sat down with a group of local decision-makers to find out how they think about and use research, and what facilitates or hampers acting on research to develop evidence-based policies. In part two of this series, we’ll share some of their advice for communicating and disseminating your work to non-researchers more effectively.
May 15, 2017
|P4A Spark