Turning Research Into Action: A Round-Up of 2024 P4A Insights
As we progress into 2025, Policies for Action reflects on a year of compelling policy research published in 2024. A wide range of studies that connect to health equity in America provided evidence and insights for policymakers, advocates, and community leaders. P4A research appeared in peer-reviewed journals and related products, blogs, and conference presentations, and informed public policy.
Grantees from across the nation, often in collaboration with community partners, expanded the evidence base and informed discussions on transformative policies to build a Culture of Health. Their findings are all publicly available, offering actionable insights to improve health and racial equity nationwide.
This research underscores the power of policy innovation to create pathways toward a more fair and equitable future.
2024 Policies for Action Publications
In 2024, P4A grantees published more than 30 papers, reports, and derivative products.
Grantee research sought to understand policy that can address the root causes of racial, economic, and health disparities for women and communities of color. Topics included direct income support, cash transfer policies and wealth gap studies; community-driven housing interventions’ impacts on health and well-being; disparities in maternal health care for minority populations; climate and land policies’ impacts on health equity, among many other topics.
These publications highlight evidence-driven approaches to fostering equity, economic stability, and well-being across diverse populations.
See the list of all 2024 publications
Creating Policy Impact
The ultimate aim for P4A-funded research is to provide evidence for policymakers, advocates, and community leaders to take policy actions that have a positive impact on communities. The evidence is available publicly and is intended to inform policy choices and decisions. Several P4A research studies have been recognized by policymakers and supported policies at the state and local levels.
The work of University of California, Los Angeles researchers on fair housing oversight was cited in California Assembly Bill (2667), which incorporates most of the recommendations in this P4A-funded research. Governor Newsom signed the bill into law on September 19, 2024.
The Greenlining Institute’s study, “A Call to Invest in Community Power: Lessons from 10 years of California Climate Investments for the State and the Nation,” resulted in systemic changes at the California Air Resources Board.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams recognized the groundbreaking work of NYU researchers with the New York City Vision Zero Research Award evaluating the effects of a comprehensive traffic safety policy—New York City’s (NYC’s) 2014 Vision Zero—on the health of socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals. Their research provides data-driven insights to inform future policies, supporting the city’s commitment to innovation and collaboration in transportation safety initiatives.
The report on racial disparities in the treatment of capital income in the federal individual income tax, developed by P4A researchers at the Urban Institute, was cited several times in the US Department of the Treasury’s revenue proposals and reflects the importance of federal tax policy in advancing equity nationally.
The University of Minnesota won an Honorable Mention for the Charles E. Gibbs Leadership Prize for the Best Paper published in Women's Health Issues in 2024, recognizing their publication of work on health care coverage and access for pregnancy and childbirth among American Indian and Alaska Native people in the U.S. This prize is awarded annually to recognize excellence in research on women’s health care or policy.
In the summer of 2024, we hosted a housing event that brought together policymakers at the federal, state, and local levels. Researchers, advocates, and community leaders gathered to discuss research evidence, policy considerations, and opportunities to address shared challenges and goals to address affordable housing, economic stability, and safety.
P4A Spark Blog
The P4A Spark Blog page on the P4A website provided a slightly different window into the world of P4A-funded policy research. The Spark Blog aims to make the research more accessible and contextualized for policymakers, advocates, and community leaders. The blogs discussed some projects that were underway and some that were recently completed. It enabled researchers to share planned studies and interim findings, along with their learnings and options for applying the research.
New Research Projects Launched in 2024
P4A successfully launched two new cohorts of research that will yield fruit in 2026 and beyond. The work centers on health equity and building community capacity for public engagement and collective action. The first cohort began investigations into the effects of state preemption policies on racial justice and health equity, while the second cohort is exploring policy solutions to advance the full social, economic, and civic inclusion of immigrant families in the U.S. Together, these initiatives promise to yield valuable insights that can inform transformative policy in the years ahead.
Turning Knowledge Into Action
P4A ultimately aims to bridge research evidence and public policy action for positive impacts on communities throughout the nation. We look forward to bringing together thinkers, leaders, and problem-solvers from varied experiences, expertise, and interests to expand our collective knowledge and resources, to push boundaries and shape a future that’s inclusive, equitable, and just.
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