Funded on October 15, 2022

Building on their work as a past Policies for Action research hub, this project will leverage existing data sources to evaluate the impacts of various past and present policies on health and racial equity in New York. This project will:

  1. Utilize the Health Evaluation and Analytics Lab (HEAL) to develop a set of standardized measures of structural racism and disenfranchisement. These measures created using Medicaid data, the American Community Survey, and publicly available sources will include indicators of residential segregation, poverty, and stop-and-frisk frequency.
  2. Examine the characteristics of those who fail to recertify for Medicaid on schedule and describe patterns of health utilization immediately following gaps in coverage for this population.
  3. Explore the relationship between recidivism and healthcare utilization using administrative criminal history data from the Westchester County Department of Correction and the New York State Medicaid Claims database
  4. Examine the effects of housing court decisions and housing instability on health utilization among children and families
  5. Evaluate the impacts of the extended New York State paid sick leave mandate on health outcomes across the state

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